SDK Reference (Version 1)
REST API CONTACTS POST /v1/crm/contacts Creates or updates a contact. If no ‘externalIntegrationId‘ is present, the...
Using Webhook
What is Webhook Webhooks are automated calls from to a server. Those calls are triggered when a s...
Event Types
Event Types REST API Event Types GET /v1/common/eventTypes Returns the list of all active Event Types. Request:Req...
Opportunities REST API Opportunities POST /v1/opportunities/ Creates an opportunity. The contact’s first name, las...
Opportunity Status
Opportunity Status REST API Opportunity Status GET /v1/opportunities/status Returns the list of all active Opportunit...
Opportunity & Event Sources
REST API Opportunity REST API Opportunity & Event Sources GET /v1/common/sources Returns the list of all active Oppo...
REST API Organisations POST /v1/crm/organisations Creates or updates an organisation. If no ‘externalIntegrationId‘ ...
REST API Venues REST API Event Types GET /v1/venues Returns the list of all active venues. Request:Request will expe...