Configuring DocuSign Integration In Priava

  • Updated

Preparing, sending and managing contracts for events and bookings has never been easier thanks to the launch of Priava’s DocuSign integration. DocuSign is the leading provider of e-signature technology, so by using this integration, Priava users can move further away from manual, paper-based agreement processes and shift even closer to running their businesses entirely online.

Only system administrators can configure Integrations. If you are not an administrator, please consult a member of your team that is an administrator to increase the level of access you have been granted.


Please make sure you have completed all items outlined on the Configuration Prerequisite Checklist and read the How-To instructions prior to configuring this integration.

Configuring the DocuSign Integration in Priava

To configure the DocuSign Integration:

  1. From Admin page, under "Integration", select "DocuSign"


  2. Tick the Developer Mode checkbox if you are using a DocuSign Developer Account to test the integration. Otherwise, if you are using a Production (Live) Account then this can remain unchecked


  3. Enter the API Account ID, Accounts Base URI, Integration Key & Secret Key that you copied while creating a Connected App in Docusign


  4. Click save

Adding a Placeholder for a Signature to a Report

To add a placeholder for signature to any report:

  1. From Admin page, under "Reports", select "Reports Catalogue"


  2. Select Relevant Report and click design.png


  3. Within the Report Designer, click on the textbox on the left of the navigation pane and drag it into the report design where you need the signature


  4. Once you have placed your textbox in the report, click on the same textbox to open the Properties


  5. Under Behaviour, click mceclip0.png

  6. Under Interaction, select Tag Screen

  7. Enter the following identifier in the editor: pdfunsignedsignaturefield


  8. Click ok.png 

  9. Run the report

  10. Click mceclip1.png

  11. From the drop-down, click Adobe PDF File


  12. Under Export Settings, Click Digital Signature in Settings

  13. From the drop-down menu, tick the "Use Digital Signature" checkbox


  14. Click mceclip3.png

The recipient does not need a DocuSign account to sign the document

Providing Consent

To provide consent:

  1. Once a report is generated, click mceclip0(3).png

  2. Click Adobe PDF File


  3. Click mceclip2(2).png in Export Settings


  4. The system will present the SEND EMAIL popup screen.


  5. Click sendviadocusign.JPG  and enter the required details e.g. Recipient, subject line, message etc.

  6. The following consent popup message will appear asking you to confirm consent


  7. Click proceed.JPG

  8. A new window opens up with the DocuSign login screen. Login and provide consent by clicking mceclip0(5).png on the following screen.


    The user providing consent should belong to the account specified in Priava Admin DocuSign screen.

  9. A popup message appears. Close this window to be redirected back to the SEND EMAIL popup

  10. Click sendviadocusign.JPG again in the SEND EMAIL popup and the document will successfully be sent via DocuSign.

Document Statuses

You can review the statuses of the documents that you have sent from Priava via Docusign within the Files tab on any Contact, Organisation, Opportunity or Event. Below is an outline of the Docusign Statuses that will be displayed within Priava:

    • Status - Sent: When the document has been sent for review and signature


    • Status - Delivered: When the document has been reviewed, Docusign updates the status to Delivered and notifies Priava and the status is then updated to " Delivered" 


    • Status - Completed: Once the document is signed, DocuSign updates the status to  Completed and notifies Priava. The status is then updated to "Completed" in Priava and you can then download the signed document



Now that you have configured the integration in Priava, read this article to learn how to submit your App for Review and move to a Production Account in DocuSign. Remember you will need to update the  API Account ID, Accounts Base URI, Integration Key (Client Id) and Secret Key in Priava Admin.

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