Organisations: Create or Update

  • Updated

Create or Update



POST /v2/organisation/save

This API allows you to create or update an organisation within your Priava account.

OrganisationId     Long

The ID for the organisation. Required only if updating an organisation.

Name    string

The organisation’s name.

DebtorNumber    string

The organisation’s number.

Email    string

The organisation’s primary email address.

EmailOther    string

Any other email for the organisation

BusinessPhone    string

The organisation’s business/office phone number.

OtherPhone    string

Any other phone number for the organisation.

Fax     string

The organisation’s facsimile number..

PrimaryPhone    string

Specifies the primary phone number for the organisation. The only accepted values are:

  1. B for the Business number. 

  2. O for the Other number. 

  3. F for the Fax number 

The primary phone by default is Business. 

Website    string

The URL to the organisation’s web site.

MarketSector     Object {Id, Name

The market sector to be associated to this organisation. The Organisation Market Sector must exist in your Priava Account. Passed in JSON format where;
            Id = the ID of the market sector.
           Name = the name of the market sector

Type     Object {Id, Name

The type of organisation. The Organisation Type must exist in your Priava Account. Passed in JSON format where;
           Id = the ID of the organisation type.
          Name = the name of the organisation type.

ParentOrganisation       string

The name of the parent organisation (if any) that the organisation belongs to. The parent organisation must exist in your Priava Account.

CustomFields   object

An object of CustomFields with it's key and value.

Address    Object Array

An array of addresses (up to 3) for this contact. Passed in JSON format where; 

  1. AddressType = either POSTAL, BUSINESS or OTHER. 

  2. AddressLine1 = Line 1 of the address. 

  3. AddressLine2 = Line 2 of the address.
  4. AddressLine3 = Line 3 of the address.
  5. Suburb = The suburb for the address.
  6. State = The State or County.
  7. Postcode = The postal or zip code.
  8. Country = The country of the address. 


    "Address": [
    "MarketSector": {},
    "Type": {},
    "CustomFields": {
        "Customer Segment": [],
        "Business Unit": [
            "Enterprise & Government"
        "Organisation Unit": [

    "result": {
        "OrganisationName""(CEO) CATHOLIC TRUST CORP DIOC"

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