Events: Create or Update PaymentRequest Catalogue

  • Updated

Create or Update PaymentRequest Catalogue



POST /v2/event/save/catl/paymentRequest

This API creates a PaymentRequest Catalogue in an event and returns a unique Id and its associated details. This same API allows you to update an existing PaymentRequest Catalogue e.g. change the comments or the qty etc.

Id    Long

The Id of the PaymentRequest catalogue. Required only if you are updating the PaymentRequest catalogue.

TemplateId    Long

The id of the PaymentRequest item.

Event    Object {Id}

The event to which the catalogue item should be associated with. The event must exist in your Priava Account. Passed in JSON format where:
Id = Id of the Event.

StartDate    DateTime

The start date and time of the catalogue item.

EndDate   DateTime

The end date and time of the catalogue item.

Contact    Object {Id}

The contact to whom the catalogue item should be associated to. The contact must exist in your Priava Account. Passed in JSON format where:
ContactId = Id of the contact

Venue (optional) Object {Id,}

The venue with which the catalogue item should be associated to. The venue must exist in your Priava Account. Passed in JSON format where:
Id = Id of the Venue.

VenueBookingId (optional) Array [Id]

List of Venue Booking with which the catalogue item should be associated. The booking must exist in your Priava Account. Passed in an Array format where:
Id = Id of the Venue Booking.
Can pass multiple Venue Booking Ids in the Array in Create case and single Venue Booking Id in Update case.

In the case of Create scenario, it will create one Event Catalogue per booking passed.

In the case of Update scenario, it will accept only one value in the array. As you can not associate multiple venue Booking to a single Event Catalogue Item.

NOTE: If both VenueBookingId and Venue data are passed, VenueBookingId arrays takes precedence over Venue. 

CreditOrDebit    String

This represents whether the catalogue item should be credited or debited to the event. Only values supported are Credit or Debit.

Qty    Integer

The required quantity of the catalogue item.

UnitPrice    Double

The unit price of one catalogue item.

TaxType    Object {Id, Name}

The tax type to be associated with the catalogue item. Tax type must exist in your Priava Account. Passed in JSON format where:
Id = Id of the Tax Type.
Name = Name of the Tax Type.

CatalogueComments    String

The comment to be associated with the catalogue item.

FinancialComments    String

The financial comment to be associated with the catalogue item.

   "Venue": {
      "Id": 100172533
   "EndDate": "16/03/2019 17:30",
   "VenueBooking": {},
   "Name": "Full Payment",
   "Contact": {
      "ContactId": 100339987
   "StartDate": "15/03/2019 15:00",
   "TaxType": {
      "Id": 26,
      "Name": "GST - Included 10%"
   "UnitPrice": "0.00",
   "FinancialComments": "Test Comments",
   "Qty": 5,
   "Event": {
      "Id": "101550177"
   "Id": "",
   "CreditOrDebit": "Debit",
   "CatalogueComments": "Test Comments",
   "TemplateId": 524
   "success": true,
   "result": {
      "Abbreviation": "PQ",
      "Venue": {
         "Id": 100172533,
         "Name": "Venue Name"
      "RefPkgId": "",
      "Tax": "0.00",
      "FormulaToolTip": "",
      "EndDate": "16/03/2019 17:30",
      "VenueBooking": {},
      "NetTotalExTax": "0.00",
      "Name": "Full Payment",
      "Contact": {
         "Firstname": "Test FirstName",
         "Email": "",
         "Organisation": "TestOrganisation",
         "Phone": "+61-0298765432",
         "Lastname": "Test LastName",
         "Inactive": false,
         "ContactId": 100339987,
         "JobTitle": "User"
      "StartDate": "15/03/2019 15:00",
      "Formula": {},
      "TaxType": {
         "TaxPercentage": 10,
         "Position": 13,
         "TaxIncluded": true,
         "Inactive": false,
         "Id": 26,
         "Name": "GST - Included 10%"
      "UnitPrice": "0.00",
      "FinancialComments": "Test Comments",
      "GrandTotal": "0.00",
      "Qty": 5,
      "Event": {
         "Id": 101550177,
         "Name": "TestSample"
      "Id": 104545479,
      "CreditOrDebit": "Debit",
      "CatalogueComments": "Test Comments",
      "TemplateId": 524


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