Configuring the Eventbrite Integration in Priava

  • Updated

Priava's Eventbrite integration allows you to share information about events, contacts, registration and attendance between Priava and Eventbrite in real-time.


Only system administrators can configure Integrations. If you are not an administrator, please consult a member of your team that is an administrator to increase the level of access you have been granted.


Please make sure you have completed all items outlined on the Configuration Prerequisite Checklist prior to configuring this integration.

Configuring the Eventbrite integration in Priava

To configure the Eventbrite integration:

  1. From the Admin page, under "Integrations", select "Eventbrite"


  2. Click mceclip9.png

  3. Enter the values of Client Id and Client Secret that were generated while creating a connected app in Eventbrite


  4. Click mceclip10.png and you will be redirected to the Eventbrite login page


  5. Log in to Eventbrite and click Allow_Button.PNG

  6. A message will appear when the setup has been successfully completed - this may take a few seconds to appear


Provided you have completed all of the steps outlined in the Configuring the Priava Integration in Eventbrite article and all of the steps outlined above, you have now completed the configuration process and your integration is ready to use. We recommend that you test the integration to ensure it is working as expected.

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