Creating a Connected App in DocuSign

Preparing, sending and managing contracts for events and bookings has never been easier thanks to the launch of Priava’s DocuSign integration. DocuSign is the leading provider of e-signature technology, so by using this integration, Priava users can move further away from manual, paper-based agreement processes and shift even closer to running their businesses entirely online.

Only system administrators can configure Integrations. If you are not an administrator, please consult a member of your team that is an administrator to increase the level of access you have been granted.


Please make sure you have completed all items outlined on the Configuration Prerequisite Checklist and read the How-To instructions prior to configuring this integration.

Creating a Connected App in a DocuSign Developer Account

To create a new Connected App in DocuSign: 

  1. Log into the DocuSign application via the following URL with your developer credentials: 

  2. Click the mceclip0.pngtab in the heading navigation menu

  3. On the Navigation Pane on the left-hand side of the screen, under INTEGRATIONS, select APPS and KEYS 


  4. Copy and store your API Account ID and Account's Base URl


  5. Click mceclip2__1_.png

  6. A popup form titled Add Integration Key will open.  Enter a name for the app and click mceclip0__2_.png


  7. Copy and store the Integration Key (client id)


  8. Under Authentication, select the Authorization Code Grant option and click mceclip2__2_.png 


  9. Copy and store the Secret Key


  10. Under Additional settings, Click mceclip3__1_.png 


  11. Add all the relevant Redirect URIs.


  12. Click mceclip4.png

Now that you have created your Connected App, read this article to learn how to configure your integration in Priava Admin. Remember you will need the API Account ID, Account's Base URl, Integration Key (Client Id) and Secret Key mentioned above to configure this integration.

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