Zapier is a tool that helps you automate repetitive tasks between two or more apps. Our integration with Zapier makes it easier for you to connect Priava with other web apps you use across your business like Mailchimp, Google Calendar, Google Sheets, Xero and many more.
Only system administrators can configure Integrations. If you are not an administrator, please consult a member of your team that is an administrator to increase the level of access you have been granted.
Configuring Priava App in Zapier
To configure Priava in Zapier:
- Open the Zapier invitiation URL provided the Priava Support Team
- You will be redirected to the Priava - Zapier Invitation Page
- Click
- On the left navigation pane, click
- In the setup form, enter a name for your zap
- Select Priava (2.0.0) in the App Event drop-down under Trigger - It is critical that you select Priava (2.0.0) and not any earlier versions in this step. Do not select the “Latest” option.
- Select the required Trigger Event
- Click
- You will be prompted to choose a specific account for the app that you want the Zap to use
- In the pop-up screen, enter the API token provided by the Priava Support Team and select the tenant region
- Click
- Once the connection is successfully established you can continue creating the Zap
Configuring Triggers
To configure Triggers for your Zap in Zapier:
- Select an app from the App Event drop-down on the setup page
- Select the required Trigger Event for that app
- Click
- Choose an account for the Zap
- Click
- Enter the required Trigger Filters
- Click
- Test the Trigger - In this step, your Zap will try to get a sample item from the trigger, which makes it easier to match up fields and test actions. To test a trigger in Priava:
- Open Priava in another browser tab/ window and log into your account linked to Zap
- Add or update details for the relevant trigger item e.g. if you have selected new contact as the Trigger Event, enter required fields for a new contact in Priava
- Click on the Zapier page and at the same time click in Priava
- If the Trigger has been successfully configured, you will be able to see your new contact in Zapier
Configuring Actions
To configure Actions for your Zap in Zapier:
- Select an app from the App Event drop-down on the setup page
- Choose an Action Event for that app
- Click
- Choose an account for the Zap
- Click
- Specify the details that will be sent for each field
- Click
- Test the Action - In this step, your Zap will try to send a sample action to your chosen app. For example, in the scenario pictured below, Zapier will send a new contact to Priava
- Click
- If the action has been successfully configured, the contact will be sent to Priava
- Once the action is completed, you can turn on your zap by clicking
- Click