Organisations: Search Organisations

  • Updated

Search Organisations



POST /v2/organisation/get

This API returns a list of organisations that satisfy the search parameters provided. By default, only the first 50 searched organisations will be returned.

Name    String

The Organisation’s name.

Inactive    Boolean

True to return only inactive organisations. False to return only active organisations.

Type    String

The Organisation’s type.

MarketSector    String

The Organisation’s market sector.

DebtorNumber    String

The Organisation’s debtor number.

ModifiedTime   DateTime

The Organisation will be displayed as per the modified time.

NextPageDirection    String

What direction you would like to page for your next set of results. The only values allowed are forward or reverse .

LastPageOrganisationId    Long

The Organisation id of the last Organisation on your current set of results to be used as the reference point for your next set of results.

PageNo    Integer

The Page Number of the Organisation list results.

Offset    Integer

If Offset is specified then it will fetch the next number of records after offset and skip the previous records, for e.g If there are 50 records and offset is 10 then records will be fetched from 11 to 50.

RecordsPerPage    Integer

The number of records per page.

SortingOrder    Object Array

The sorting of data as per the ColoumnName provided.

NOTE: Sorting order cannot be passed along with NextPageDirection and LastPageOrganisationId.

   "Name": "",
   "Inactive": false,
   "Type": [
   "MarketSector": [],
   "DebtorNumber": "",
   "ModifiedTime": "28/03/2019 09:00",
   "NextPageDirection": "forward",
   "LastPageOrganisationId": 100111523,
   "PageNo": "1",
   "Offset": "0",
   "RecordsPerPage": "10",
   "SortingOrder": [{
      "ColumnName": "Type",
      "IsAscending": true

Returns a list of organisations satisfying the search criteria.

   "success": true,
   "result": [{
         "Type": "Entertainment",
         "OrganisationId": 100102757,
         "Website": "",
         "BusinessPhone": "111",
         "Name": "Agile Services"
         "Type": "Entertainment",
         "OrganisationId": 100152504,
         "Website": "",
         "BusinessPhone": "8787878787",
         "Name": "Doodle"
   "AdditionalInfo": {
      "Count": 54

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