Search Opportunity By Number
POST /v2/opportunity/getByNumber
This API returns the complete Opportunity details for specified Opportunity Number. Multiple Opportunity's details can also be found by specifying Id in multiple JSON Objects as shown below:
Id String
Array of an Opportunity id to be retrieved.
[ { "OpportunityNumber": 562 }, { "OpportunityNumber": 123 } ]Response:
Returns the opportunity details for the specified opportunity Ids.
{ "success": true, "result": [{ "Owner": { "Id": 100011512,
"Name": "John Smith" }, "StatusChangedBy": "John Smith", "EventType": { "Id": 174, "Name": "Meeting" }, "UpdatedDate": "24/05/2019 20:18", "Pax": 20, "OpportunityStartDate": "10/03/2019 09:00", "OpportunityContact": [{ "ContactType": { "Id": 28, "Name": "Debtor" }, "Email": "", "Organisation": { "Id": 100142080, "Name": "John" }, "Phone": "02298765676", "IsPrimary": true, "OpportunityContactId": 100180005, "Contact": { "GivenName": "John", "Id": 100500794, "SurName": "Smith", "Name": "John Smith" } }], "UpdatedBy": "John Smith", "ActualCloseBy": {}, "OpportunityId": 100176176, "OpportunitySource": { "Id": 6, "Name": "Website" }, "OpportunityEndDate": "10/03/2019 17:00", "CreatedBy": "John Smith", "Venue": [], "OpportunityNumber": "562", "Probability": 20, "IdentifiedBy": { "Id": 242, "Name": "John Smith" }, "StatusChangedDate": "24/05/2019 20:18", "ExpectedCloseDate": "20/02/2019 20:00", "ActualCloseDate": "", "DealValue": 1000, "OpportunityName": "John Meeting", "CustomFields": { "FieldName1": "Value1", "FieldName2": "Value2" }, "OpportunityStatus": { "Type": "Open", "Id": 1, "Name": "Enquiry", "Colour": "#660033" }, "LostReason": {}, "CreatedDate": "24/05/2019 20:18", "Event": {}, "OpportunityComment": [{ "Comment": "This is general comment2", "CommentType": { "Id": 8, "Name": "General" }, "CreatedTime": "24/05/2019 20:18", "CreatedUser": { "Id": 100009804, "Name": "John Smith" }, "HTMLComment": "This is general comment2", "Attachments": [] }, { "Comment": "This is general comment", "CommentType": { "Id": 8, "Name": "General" }, "CreatedTime": "24/05/2019 20:18", "CreatedUser": { "Id": 100009804, "Name": "John Smith" }, "HTMLComment": "This is general comment", "Attachments": [] } ] }] }