Opportunity: Get Allowed Catalogue Items

  • Updated

Get Allowed Catalogue Items

POST /v2/opportunity/get/allowedCatl

This API returns the list of allowed catalogue items for an opportunity. Allowed catalogue items are returned based on the venue selected in opportunity and catalogue items associated to that venue.

OpportunityNumber    [String]

The Opportunity number to fetch the allowed catalogue items.

CatalogueType    [String]

The type of the catalogue item.
Note: Supported Catalogue types are - Food, Beverage, Inventory, Packages, Charges, Venuerates.

TreeStructureResponse    [Boolean]

Whether response should be in Tree Structure format or not.

VenueIds    [Array]

VenueId's to fetch the catalogue items associated with provided venueId.

Note: Either VenueId's or OpportunityNumber can be passed.

   "OpportunityNumber": 189,
   "CatalogueType": "Inventory",
   "TreeStructureResponse": true

   "result": [
         "Position": 1,
         "Inactive": false,
         "Items": [
               "Abbreviation": "IN",
               "GLCode": "",
               "Overbookable": false,
               "FormulaToolTip": "Unit Price: 0.00 Qty: 1 ( 0.00 Unit Price * 1 Qty ) + 200",
               "TotalAvailableQuantity": 5,
               "Name": "SeedInventoryitem",
               "Formula": {
                  "FormulaReportString": "( Unit Price * Qty ) + 200 ",
                  "Position": 5,
                  "Inactive": false,
                  "Id": 100001261,
                  "CustomFormulaFields": [
                        "FieldValue": "0.00",
                        "FieldName": "Unit Price",
                        "FieldType": "Currency"
                        "FieldValue": "1",
                        "FieldName": "Qty",
                        "FieldType": "Numeric"
                  "Name": "formula"
               "TaxType": {
                  "Id": 100006426,
                  "Name": "GST - Exempt"
               "UnitCost": 0,
               "UnitPrice": 30,
               "CatalogueType": "Inventory",
               "TrackQuantity": true,
               "FinancialComments": "",
               "CurrentlyAvailableQuantity": 4,
               "DiscountType": "C",
               "Qty": 1,
               "Permission": {
                  "CanDelete": true,
                  "CanView": true,
                  "CanEdit": true,
                  "CanAdd": true
               "Inactive": false,
               "Id": 100213281,
               "DiscountValue": 0,
               "CreditOrDebit": "Debit",
               "CatalogueComments": ""
         "Id": 100055293,
         "Name": "SeedInventoryGroup"
   "success": true

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