Event Venue Booking Prices: Venue Booking prices based on Smart Pricing

  • Updated

Find venue booking prices based on Smart Pricing

POST v2/priceSchedule/getMatchingPSForVB

This API returns the best possible combination of smart pricing's based on user inputs.

Number    String

The unique number of an Event. Required when an event is to be updated. It will be empty, when a new event is created.

VenueId    Long

The VenueId of the venue for which rates to be fetched.

VenueName    String

The name of an venue for which rates to be fetched.

StartDate    DateTime

The venue booking start date and time.

EndDate    DateTime

The venue booking end date and time.

BookingType    JsonObject
  • Id   Long (The Id of the booking type)
  • Name String (The Name of the booking type)
  • Colour String (The Colour code of the booking type)
  • Inactive Boolean (The Inactive status either true or false)
  • TextColour String (The TextColour code of the booking type)
  • Position Integer (The position of the booking type)
BookingStatus    JsonObject
  • Type String (The type for the selected booking status)
  • TextColour String (The TextColour code of the booking status)
  • Position Integer (The position of the booking status)
  • Colour String (The Colour code of the booking status)
  • Id   Long (The Id of the booking status)
  • Name String (The Name of the booking status)
Event    JsonObject
  • Number Long (To be passed as null if event is not created)
  • EventType JsonObject (Id,Name)
  • EventStatus JsonObject (Id,Name)
  • EventSource JsonObject (Id,Name)
  • ContactType JsonObject (Id,Name) 
  • Contact JsonObject

Note: In the Event object either the event number must be entered or 4 nested objects should be entered(EventSource, EventType, ContactType, Contact, EventStatus). Either of them is mandatory.


"VenueId": 100176348,
"BookingType": {
"TextColour": "#000000",
"Position": 1,
"Inactive": false,
"Id": 100014833,
"Name": "Rehearsal",
"Colour": "#ffd706"
"BookingStatus": {
"Type": "Reserved",
"Position": 1,
"TextColour": "#ffffff",
"Color": "#008000",
"Inactive": false,
"Id": 100009739,
"Name": "Confirmed",
"Colour": "#008000"
"StartDate": "12/04/2021 09:00",
"EndDate": "12/04/2021 17:01",
"StartTime": "2021-04-12T03:30:01.755Z",
"EndTime": "2021-04-12T11:31:00.000Z",
"Event": {
"Number": null,
"EventType": {
"TextColour": "#000000",
"Position": 1,
"Inactive": false,
"Id": 100021534,
"Name": "Anniversary",
"Colour": "#ffd706"
"EventStatus": {
"Type": "Reserved",
"Position": 1,
"TextColour": "#ffffff",
"Color": "#008000",
"Inactive": false,
"Id": 100009739,
"Name": "Confirmed",
"Colour": "#008000"
"EventSource": {
"Position": 2,
"Inactive": false,
"Id": 100009319,
"Name": "June promotion"
"Contact": {
"Id": 100477994
"ContactType": {
"Position": 1,
"Inactive": false,
"Id": 10000000150,
"Name": "Internal"
"VenueName": "Function Room 1"
"result": {
"PriceSchedule": [
"TotalCost": "85.00",
"TotalPrice": "1122.00",
"PriceScheduleRates": [
"Abbreviation": "SP",
"Venue": {
"Id": 100176345,
"Name": "Meeting Room 1"
"EndDate": "13\/04\/2021 17:30",
"DiscountAmount": "0.00",
"StartDate": "13\/04\/2021 09:00",
"UnitCost": "10.00",
"BookingUnit": "Hourly",
"UnitPrice": "132.00",
"DiscountType": "P",
"Qty": "8.5",
"Total": "1122.00",
"PSCatalogueItem": true,
"DiscountValue": "0.00"
"Id": 2,
"Name": "Weekday Rate"
"AdditionalInfo": {
"TotalCost": "85.00",
"TotalPrice": "1122.00",
"DoNotOverwritePSRate": false
"success": true

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